The different stages of hemp. Photo by Anna Carson Dewitt.
April 26-May 12
This week is the opening of a project I’ve been helping to curate for many months— a gallery show celebrating community built through a shared hemp fiber supply chain!
In this show, we have gathered together a group of artists (including yours truly), given them Durham-grown hemp fiber and asked them run with it. The show is sure to be diverse in content and show off the amazing possibilities that can come when farmers and artisans are brought together by a shared love.
Participating in conversations and practices around responsibly grown/made textiles is at the heart of my personal studio practice. My connection with the One Acre Exchange crew was kismet and I am beyond thrilled that I get to come alongside this team and navigate the new waters of what it means to grow and use industrial hemp in our county.
Final prepping for my piece Hemp Texture Study #1 which will be featured in the show.
The show opens this Friday, April 26 at The Carrack in Durham, NC. We’ll also be hosting a couple of additional events including a Piedmont Fibershed meeutp and a round table meeting for farmers and artists. Head to the Carrack’s website to get all the dets. I hope you can join us!
Katie Berman
Tyler Jenkins
Courtney Lockemer
Featured Fiber Artists:
Nicole Asselin
Katie Berman
Alexandra Burchette
Janie Kimmel
Kelly Walsh
Artist Talk + Opening Reception:
Friday, Apr. 26 | 6:30-9:30p
Piedmont Fibershed Meetup:
Thursday, May 2 | 7-8:30p
Farmers + Artisans Meeting:
Sunday, May 5 | 5:30-7:30p