“Broken and Poured: Study #1” by Katie Berman, 2020
Reclaimed wool and cotton yarns, copper tubing, suede.
“What does it look like to break ourselves open and pour ourselves out for the healing of these people in this time in this place?” - Rob Bell and Don Golden, 2008
A friend of mine recently asked me where I draw most of my inspiration from for my work.
Funny enough, I get most of my inspiration through books or music. I’ll read and hear phrases or lyrics that stick with me. In the moments when I experience a profound word, I can see it take shape in my mind’s eye. I see the words that I’m reading come alive in textured form.
I have a new body of work in the making titled “New Humanity” all inspired by my most recent read Jesus Wants to Save Christians: A Manifesto for the Church in Exile by Rob Bell and Don Golden. I was so moved by countless phrases in this book that I couldn’t help but create work from it.
The explanation and BTS thoughts I have on this are layered and complicated. Talking about church or faith journeys is a sensitive topic. And truth be told, I’m a little nervous to have this conversation. Some days I’m not quite sure how to go about it. I want this conversation to be inclusive. And transparent. And welcoming. And so many other things I don’t have words for...
What I do know is that whatever your faith journey looks like (if any), this work is for you. This conversation is for you. Because we share life together. We share in our humanity.
So where does this conversation start? It starts with my first piece “Broken and Poured: Study #1.”
“Broken and Poured: Study #1” by Katie Berman, 2020. Detail
When I first read the phrase “broken and poured…” I immediately saw this piece in my mind. It is rightly named “Study #1” as I am positive I am not done with the shapes and aesthetics this piece exemplifies. More pieces like this are sure to come over the course of this year. Creating this picture of a shape breaking and pouring is a reminder to myself to choose to break myself open and pour myself out in sacrifice for the healing of the world. May I never forget to choose that way of life.
As I build this body of work, I’ll be sharing more thoughts on what phrases struck me and continue to speak into this conversation about faith and humanity. I hope you’ll join me. Talk with me. Share with me. Laugh and cry with me. Even be angry with me. There’s room for all the feels and all the hurt and all the confusion in this conversation.
May we all recognize and be bonded together through our shared humanity.
Love y’all.
- KB