Purl Soho’s Mitered Corner Blanket in progress!
April’s FPF is coming in hot with a project that’s still on my knitting needles! This month’s shout out goes to the:
Mitered Corner Blanket by Purl Soho
Purl Soho is one of my go-to resources for knitting projects. Whenever I get the itch to cast on a new project, I check out their free pattern library for inspiration and new patterns first. It’s a lovingly curated library that’s a lot less overwhelming than other sites like Ravelry (no offense…). Their patterns are well written and always have great pictures for reference!
I was looking for a new project to use up some of the yarns in my stash and this blanket stood out to me. I don’t know what it is about building lil’ squares, but I was hooked! And the diagonal color gradation— yes please!
The pattern originally instructs you to build the blanket in vertical rows, which makes total sense if you have the correct amount of yarn in the right colors to create the gradation. Since I was using yarn from my stash and wasn’t sure how far each color was going to take me, I decided to construct the blanket diagonally! This would ensure that I could still make color changes across the bias.
I also figured out how to construct all of the squares without the use of purl stitches! I don’t know about you, but my purl stitch tension is much different than my knit stitch tension. Aaaaand maybe I just don’t like to purl when I don’t have to… If you’re like me, then check out my notes on how to construct Square 17 (and others like it) with knit stitches below:
Here’s my way of constructing Square 17!
With the right side of the blanket facing you and Squares 1-16 creating a horizontal line at the bottom, pick up 15 stitches along the top edge of Square 1. Using the Loop Cast On method, cast on 16 stitches. Continue knitting, placing markers and decreasing according to the original instructions for Square 1 starting with the Set-Up Row.
If you’ve got some yarn in your stash that you’re trying to bust, check out this blanket and cast on with me!
— KB
ps. Need some tips on how to stash bust? Check out my blog post on how to design with stash busting in mind!